Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tyler's Prospectus

The topic that I am researching for this piece is the affect of being a major collegiate athlete on education and major selection. Recent studies have shown that athletes, whether being pushed this way or not, are opting to pursue what are considered easier majors. The main motivation behind this is to remain eligible so that they may continue to play sports. Other questions that I will look to answer are; are academic advisers for athletes pushing them towards easier majors, does this properly prepare college athletes for a professional life outside of sports after college, and are rules from the NCAA that were intended to promote academic success amongst athletes actually having the opposite affect?
I believe that the academic issues that stem from being a part of major college athletics are due, for most cases but not all, on taking the easiest academic path. I also believe that academic advisers to athletes are, unfortunately, working more to help athletes maintain eligibility and not focusing on advising for the athlete’s future outside of sports. The rules regarding eligibility of college athletes, I believe, are inadvertently pushing more athletes to pursue easier majors so as to retain eligibility. This trend is having a negative affect on the future of college athletes.

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